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Viridis Powelliphanta

Viridis Powelliphanta

Snails can live for 20 years or more. It is illegal since 1982 to collect shells of Powelliphanta; collecting live animals for their shells have made some species rarer, but some species also need to feed on discarded shells to recycle their calcium lining. This...

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Monarchetype Masaica

Monarchetype Masaica

The Monarch butterfly The iconic Monarch butterfly was once a familiar sight, now plummeting toward extinction due to landscape-scale threats from pesticides, development and climate change. The western population is suffering a 99% decline. They are threatened by...

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Monarchetype Nymphalidae

Monarchetype Nymphalidae

The monarch butterfly is at greatest risk of extinction, having declined by an estimate of 99.9%, from as many as 10 million to 1.914 between 1980 and 2021 according to IUCN. This is due to the use of pesticides and herbicides used by farmers in intensive agriculture....

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Discotecus rotundatus

Discotecus rotundatus

Discotecus rotundatus is a species of small, air-breathing, land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk. Its almost indestructible shell is clearly recognised by predators and can fire glitter to scare them off. Adapted to the threat of global warming by...

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Calosomatic scrutator

Calosomatic scrutator

Nr4. Calosomatic scrutator is a cybernetic evolvement of a large ground beetle that usually lives in North America. Also known as the fiery searcher and caterpillar hunter. A Holarctic genus distributed in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North and Central America. They...

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Elaprator cupreus

Elaprator cupreus

Nr 3. Elaprator cupreus is a cybernetic evolvement of a ground beetle native to Palearctic (the largest of the eight biogeographic realms of the Earth). It stretches across all of Eurasia north of the foothills of the Himalayas, and North Africa. Evolved after the...

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Digitalis phyllodes

Digitalis phyllodes

The second one in the series. A.I. Visualisation made to raise awareness of the worldwide decline of insect populations as part of the Entomorphologic project. Digitalis phyllodes, a cybernetic evolvement of a ground beetle, also known as the violin beetle. For...

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Project Entomorphologic Collection

Project Entomorphologic Collection

Dytiscus digitalis The first one in the series! Entomorphologic is a project I started with an ecological aspect through the use of A.I. generated visualisation. Increasing the empathy for insects by taking real insects as a base. Analysing their characteristics. And...

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Home for Innovative Experiential Art At the crossroads of art, science and technology, ARTECHOUSE is pioneering the creation and curation of innovative art forms that redefine audience participation.

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Afterlife by Printworks

Afterlife by Printworks

Impressive content by Printworks London. Tale Of Us’ event concept Afterlife is one of the most highly anticipated shows in Printworks history. Their state-of-the-art visuals have captured the attention of thousands from around the world and their increasing interest...

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Machine hallucinations

Machine hallucinations

https://player.vimeo.com/video/657708598?autoplay=0&color=ffffff&title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&muted=1 It was a great experience to visit the AI Data Sculpture of Refik Anadol in Metz. France. An architectural exhibition of synesthetic reality...

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Interactive tic-tac-toe soccer

Interactive tic-tac-toe soccer

https://youtube.com/shorts/BSuqWlPMrrc?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/74Sq_mDDIiQ?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/56Ktc0xHkms?feature=share The last video is probably not real. But a nice idea.

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A.I. visualisation

A.I. visualisation

A.I. Visualisation made with Midjourney (and Plotaverse for the animation) In just 20 seconds a high resolution picture is generated just by typing words and the style you want to have it visualised in. This will change the way graphic designers, illustrators and...

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3D hoover effect

3D hoover effect

https://www.facebook.com/avrijman/posts/10158953658686302 3D hoover effect of the A.I. assisted generated artwork called Gold Elf. From the Asia series. (Click on the image to go to the post to see the effect)

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AI art

AI art

This AI art is a glimpse at the future of synthetic media. One of several applications of image analysis algorithms . Through artificial intelligence technology, creating algorithmic visions. Let AI Do the Creative work for you. Here is the Asia series I made: Update:...

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iFolio is a multidisciplinary design studio helping companies, organizations and individuals bring their ideas, products or services to life.

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Who is iFolio

Arno Vrijman is a cross-media industrial design engineer always in search of innovation in all design related areas.

While enjoying his regular work in retail design, feel free to ask any other design or music production related matters:

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